The lung channel belongs to first circuit in the energetic system and deals with sensing and exposure to the outside world. It is the barrier between internal and external. Points along this meridian deal with acute conditions as the the lungs are responsible for protection against external pathogenic influence both physically and emotionally . The lung governs the breath. Due to the breath being our first contact point from the moment we are born and the first line of defense, trauma stored in the lung channel deal with feelings abandonment in early childhood and overcoming grief and loss.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
Lung 1 ( Central Mansion): Opens the chest to expire and let go, deals with grief
Lung 3 (Heavenly/ Celestial Mansion): Useful to promote balance in the grieving process- treatment for those who cannot grieve or grieve excessively.
Lung 4 (White Knight) : Assists with ability to be brave in life, helps one find a sense of direction and clarity of mind
Lung 9 ( Great Abyss): For those who are depressed, assists to help remind them of life’s meaning. Stokes their fire when it is put out.
Lung 8 (Channel Ditch): Helps one overcome self judgment and release emotional toxins that are clouding their spirit. A point of redemption.
Large Intestine Meridian
The large intestine channel is the pathway that regulates and governs the Jin (thin fluid) of our skin and of our sensory organs. It brings any turbid fluids to be discharged out from the head through our sinuses. It works in close relationship with the lungs to help circulate and clear toxins from our system both physically and spiritually.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
LI 18 ( Supporting Chimney) – A point serving as a window of heaven. Helps manage the way we perceive that which we take in. Assists in shifting our belief system.
The stomach meridian is the storehouse for our resources and is abundant in Qi and blood. It governs how we manage and put to use our resources and is the control center of “gut feeling”. Reinforcing points along this channel can help to replenish one’s sense of self, reduce feelings of scarcity and replace them with a sense of security and abundance.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
ST9 (Welcome Humanity)- Boosts acceptance of one’s resources and connection to divinity
ST21 ( Beam Gate)- Assists one in shining their unique radiance and feeling more at ease with who they are
ST30 (Qi Street)- Reinstates desire to fulfill one’s destiny and get in touch with their life purpose.
Spleen Meridian
The spleen pathway regulates the production of blood and fluid metabolism in the body. As the spleen governs thoughts and intellect, points along this meridian can help one rationalize and use positive thought to overcome emotions such as grief, sadness and guilt. The spleen pathway deals with transforming unresolved issues.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
SP4 (Grandfather Grandchild): Rectifies thoughts of guilt and shame. Helps one release generational trauma and deals with healing genetic imbalances on the physical and emotional level. Centers focus in the present moment.
SP5 (Sound of Bronze Hill): Assists one in letting go of obsessive thinking and addiction.
SP14 ( Abdominal Knot) : Helps warm up to the world for times when one feels indifferent, detached and cold. Helps overcome fear of change.
The heart meridian is the pathway of our consciousness and the most ultimate of all meridians, representing the sovereign ruler. Pathology of this energetic pathway deal with mental and emotional disturbance in the form of disorientation, memory issues and inability to let go of past.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
HT 2 (Green Spirit) – Reminder of childlike innocence and evergreen spirit
HT 5 ( Penetrating Interior) – Allows for self expression
Small Intestine Meridian
The Small intestine meridian is the pathway of discerning the light from darkness. Points along this meridian can be helpful in establishing boundaries and overcoming obstacles. On a physical level, the small intestine drains turbidity and heat through the urine and helps keep inflammatory stress from harassing the heart and consciousness.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
SI 9 (True Shoulder) – Helpful in releasing toxins and releasing energy that is not yours. Helps in making decisions.
Urinary Bladder Meridian
The Bladder pathway moves the Yang (Life force energy) of the kidney to support the immune system and expel pathogens at a deep level. The Urinary bladder channel reaches all internal organs and effects the sensory orifices. Points along this channel are important in treating genetic damage, nourishing the organs and deals with conditions of the immune system due to underlying deficiencies.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
UB1 ( Bright Eyes) – Serves as a filter for seeing the world and helps one respond the what they see. Additionally helpful for those stuck re-living past memories.
UB4 ( Crooked Curve) – Used for relieve mental confusion and bolster the discernment of those who are easily influenced and gullible.
UB14 (Jue Yin Shu) – Tonifies the pericardium and liver. Assist in helping one forgive themselves and overcome addiction and self defeating habits.
UB23 ( Shen Shu): Tonifies the Kidney, source of life force. Promotes understanding, wisdom and helps one see the relevance of life
UB63 ( Gold/Metal Gate) : A point that opens the portal and assists in moving through holding patterns in different periods of life.
The kidney pathway communicates with all internal organs via the anterior aspect of the body. The kidney organ is associated with the Zhi (willpower) and willingness to take on life intentionally. To fulfill one’s destiny, the kidney must connect to the heart through internal spiritual cultivation. When this axis is established, there is true power to achieve one’s purpose.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
KD 4 ( Great Bell) A point to affirm one’s internal willpower and anchor manifestation into reality
KD6 (Shining Reflection of Sea) Active in allowing one to see their reflection and establish a healthy view of oneself. Allows introspection and boosts self esteem and self love.
KD 8 ( Exchange of Faith) The point of trusting oneself and building trust in relationship to others and life. Disperses narcissistic patterns and heals childhood wounds of distrust.
KD 9 (Guest House) Helps one release situations that have drained them and let go of toxic patterns that have gone deep in the consciousness.
KD21 ( Mysterious Doorway) The “Who Am I?” Point that can help one unravel their life purpose. The doorway to within
Points along the pericardium meridian address any disharmony within the organ system that may impact the heart. The pericardium in the protector of the heart and shields the consciousness against pathogenic energy so one may maintain an optimistic pure outlook.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
PC4 ( Doorway to Cleft) – Helpful in the case of emergency issues involving loss or a sense of shock. Calms the heart.
PC7 ( Burial Mound). A gentle point that quiets the emotions and treats all types of anxiety or life distress.
The San Jiao pathway governs the three levels of the body (upper, middle, lower) and deals with the movement of fluid and heat in the body. The San jiao is in charge of the body’s natural thermostat and the balance of hot and cold. Points along this meridian address psychological trauma that become latent due to repression.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
SJ4 (Yang Pool) Reinforces the bodies yang energy. Assist those dealing with chronic fatigue and supports the adrenals.
SJ 6 ( Branch Ditch) Can help relieve mental delusions, hallucination and nightmares. A good point for treating inflammation associated with PTSD
SJ11 (Clear Cold Abyss). Assists in releasing attachment to outcomes and being comfortable about where one is in their natural process. Helps bridge the gap between who you are and who you want to be.
Points along the gallbladder channel deal with accumulation of unproductive fluid and energetic build up in the body. Emotionally, the gallbladder governs decision making and limiting beliefs due to fear and self doubt. Where the kidney deals with fear of the unknown and outside world, the gallbladder deals with fear of our own power and internal landscape.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
GB1 ( Pupil Crevice): Allows one to see the world through a new lens, childlike perspective
GB13 (Root of Shen): Re-establishes the ability to make decisions when one is disabled by fear, anxiety or depression. Brings life force to the brain.
GB18 ( Order the Soul). Can be helpful in bringing one’s life back in order and helps with concentration and focus.
GB23 (Seat of Sinew) Relieves stress from overdoing and relaxes compulsive behavior. This point promotes forgiveness and help let guilt off the chest.
GB25 (Capital Door) Can relieve fear of moving forward due to self doubt
GB27 ( Five Pillars). Rectifies one’s energy and can get rid of guilt and regret that is sabotaging their ability to let go
The liver channel moves the energy of our life experiences, emotions and memories. The liver houses the Hun , the collective consciousness responsible for connecting the events of our life and seeing the bigger picture. This organ regulates the smooth flow of Qi and emotions and stores the blood.
Emotional/ Spiritual Points:
LV 3 (Great Rushing/Surge) – Can help one get back on track when they lose sight of what they want to do in life
I am here to meet you where you are and serve as an advocate for your health. My approach is rooted in education to inspire self-healing. Together, let’s use the wisdom of ancient Chinese medicine and the practicality of integrative care to bring you into balance.
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